We could say a lot more about how much we appreciate all of you who order on line and visit I'm store. And I will . But does anyone read our blogs?
We are extremely proud to be a place to not only get the foods from home, but also be a space to gather. Whether it is a drop in for a cuppa in the back space, a run in for your breakfast bangers, a banter the last football match or your search online for those crisps you can't live without, we love to welcome you to the O'Malley clan. Thank you for your support.
We will be updating soon on the August Closures as we prep for Milwaukee's biggest Irish party, AKA Irish Fest.
Oh, and we now have a high schooler! You will see her in the shop periodically this summer, when she isn't doing her internship at the zoo!
Happy summer all! Don't forget we may contact you in these summer months if you have frozen or chocolates and you don't purchase overnight shipping!!